The Duat acts as a main hub or base of operations for the personal works of Mizosu/Ankhikamun, usually with an emphasis on Lua programming.
This website acts as both a portfolio and collection of documentation for said personal works.
About the Author
Mizosu, also known as Ankhikamun, Ankhi, or Miz, is a hobbyist programmer/software developer with over 5 years of programming experience and a particular interest in Lua and Lua-based programming languages.
Mizosu likes Linux things, Spelunky, and this thing.
- Matrix:
- Discord:
- Email: mizosu@entertheduat.org
- Github: Mizosu97
Quick Links
Lua SoftwareLua programs, scripts, utilities, and libraries.
Other SoftwareOther programs, scripts, utilities, and libraries.
Roblox WorkDevelopment work done through the Roblox platform.